
2016-05-30 09:49  



Luo, Liaofu





Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China





Inner Mongolia University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Hohhot, 010021 China.







Partial list of selected publications on theoretical biology


(Liaofu Luo)



A. Papers

1. The order-parameter equation of a nonlinear open system. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 13: 257-261 (1982) (in Chinese) Luo LF


2. Some remarks on biological entropy. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 14: 27-33 (1983) (in Chinese) Luo LF


3. On the physical basis of meridians. Science Exploration 3: 1-12 (1983) (in Chinese) Luo LF


4. The interaction between polarized electron and chiral molecule. Scientia Sinica B28: 1265 (1985). Wang JY & Luo LF


5. A theory of conformation-electron field. Acta Biophys. Sinica. 1: 172-180 (1985) (in Chinese) Luo LF, Luan CH, Ma KJ & Wang JY


6. The conservation of molecular orbit-spin symmetry. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 17: 457-461 (1986) (in Chinese) Luo LF


7. Why are there four bases in DNA? Origins of Life 16: 267-268 (1986) Luo LF


8. The S4 symmetry breaking of mutation and the terminators. Science Bulletin 30:1056-1058 (1986). Luo LF & Li QZ


9. Conformation dynamics of macromolecules. Int J Quant Chem 32:435-450 (1987) Luo LF


10. Statistical analysis of 5’-caps, 3’-tails and introns of nucleic acid sequences. Acta Biophys. Sinica. 3: 341-345 (1987) (in Chinese) Luo LF, Zhou YM & Tsai L


11. The statistical distribution of nucleic acid sequences. Journal of Biomathematics 3:10-17 (1988) (in Chinese) Luo LF, Zhou YM & Tsai L


12. Code – sequence – conformation – dynamics : An informal eassy on theoretical biophysics. Exploration of Nature 7: 9-14 (1988) (in Chinese) Luo LF


13. Informational parameters of nucleic acids & molecular evolution. J. Theor Biol 130:351-361 (1988). Luo LF, Tsai L & Zhou YM


14. Fractal dimension of nucleic acid and its relation to evolutionary level. Chinese Physics Letters 5 : 421-424 (1988) Luo LF & Tsai L


15. Renyi entropy of nucleic acid sequence and its relation to evolution. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 18: 733-737 (1987) (in Chinese) Luo LF & Tsai L


16. Statistical analysis of peptide correlation and prediction of protein conformation. Chinese Biochemical Journal 4:173-183 (1988) (in Chinese) Luo LF & Dong YZ


17. The degeneracy rule of genetic code. Origins of Life 18:65-70 (1988) Luo LF


18. The distribution of amino acids in the genetic code. Origins of Life 19:621- 631 (1989)


Luo LF


19. Chaos, fractals and correlation length of nucleotide sequences. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 20: 178-183 (1989) (in Chinese) Luo LF


20. A statistical theory of amino acid mutation. Origins of Life 20: 419- 424 (1990).


Luo LF & Zhou YM


21. A model of evolution of molecular sequences. Physical Review A 41:5441- 5450 (1990).


Luo LF, Tsai L & Lee WJ


22. Non-homogeneous informational parameters of coding regions and molecular evolution. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 21: 229-234 (1990) (in Chinese) Luo LF & Shengli


23. The conformation-electronic dynamics of one-dimensional molecular chain and the problem of Davydov solitons. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 21: 506-514 (1990) (in Chinese) Luo LF


24. Nucleotide sequence dynamics. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 21: 97-103 (1990)


(in Chinese) Luo LF


25. An evolutionary model of nucleic acid sequence –


The model of inflation-mutation-selection. Evolutionary Theory 10: 75-81 (1991). Luo LF

26. Statistical correlation of nucleotides in protein coding DNA sequences Bull Math Biol 52: 345-353 (1991) Luo LF & Li H


27. Conserved sites of nucleotide sequence and the local deviation of double helix structure. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 22: 234-247 (1991) (in Chinese) Shengli & Luo LF


28. A stochastic evolutionary model of molecular sequences. J. Theor Biol 157: 83–94 (1992).


Luo LF & Trainor


29. The statistical analysis of repeated fragments in nucleic acid sequences. Acta Biophys. Sinica. 8: 581-584 (1992) Zhou YM & Luo LF


30. The symmetry of genetic code and the hydrophobicity of amino acids. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 23: 392-399 (1992); In : Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp124-128. Luo LF


31. An asymmetrical between pre- and post- synapse neural network model. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 21: 387-390 (1990).; 23, 529-533(1992) ; In : Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp454-457


Luo LF, Li QZ, & Liao SX


32. A note on morphogenetic field. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 23: 88-91 (1992); In : Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp460-464. Luo LF


33. On complexity of finite sequences. Nuovo Cimento B108: 83-92 (1993). Luo LF

34. Investigation of secondary structure of protein based on statistical mechanics. Chinese Biochemical J. Special issue p.6 (1993) (in Chinese) Luo LF


35. Comments on theorem of minimum entropy production and slaving principle. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 24: 495-499 (1993); In : Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp471-475. Luo LF


36. A model of fuzzy neural network.. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 24: 609-614 (1993) Ji FM & Luo LF


37. A primary theory on polymerase mechanics in DNA replication and transcription. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 24: 282-287 (1993); In : Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp438-442. Luo LF


38. The kinetic theory of thermal hysteresis of a macromolecule solution. Chemical Physics Letters 216: 453-457 (1993). Li QZ & Luo LF


39. Further discussion on the thermal hysteresis of the ice growth inhibitor. Chemical Physics Letters 223: 181-184 (1994). Li QZ & Luo LF


40. A note on winding number statistics. Phys. Letters A 196:143-146 (1994) Luo LF & Ma KJ.


41. Quantum transition between topological states and DNA unwinding. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 26: 496-499 (1995); In: Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp448-451. Luo LF


42. A mathematical model on competition of several species for one resource. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 25: 645-651 (1994); In: Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp478-484. . Lee WJ & Luo LF


43. A mathematical model on metastasis of tumor cells. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 25, 638-644 (1994); 26: 749-752 (1995). And in: Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp485-491. Luo LF


44. Fuzzy classification of nucleotide sequences and bacterial evolution. Bull Math Biol 57:527-537 (1995) Luo LF, Ji FM & Li H


45. Maximum information principle & evolution of nucleotide sequences. J Theor Biol 174:131-136(1995) Luo LF & Bai GY


46. Conformation - transitional rate in protein folding Int J Quant Chem. 54:243 (1995)


Luo LF


47. Some physical problems on protein folding. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 26: 172-180 (1995) (in chinese) Luo LF


48. The correlation spectrum of nucleotide sequences – How to extract signals from background noise. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 26: 419-426(1995). Luo LF & Ji FM


49. The relations of gene expression level and synonymous codon usage. Acta Biophys. Sinica. 11: 237-244 (1995) Li H & Luo LF


50. Study on the growth rates and growth habits of ice crystal in solution of antifreeze (glyco) proteins. Chemical Physics Letters 263: 651-654 (1996). Li QZ & Luo LF


51. On production of the chirality of biogenetic material in the early earth. In:

《Proccedings of 1st Int. Conference on Circumstellar Habitable Zones 》(Travis House Pub. 1996) p467 Luo LF


52. A model of molecular evolution based on the statistical analysis of nucleotide sequences. In《Physics Theory in Biology》 Edi. Lumsden, CJ, Brandts WA & Trainor LEH (World Scientific, 1996). Luo LF

53. The relation between codon usage, base correlation and gene expression level in Escherichia coli and yeast. J. Theor. Biol 181: 111 (1996). Li H & Luo LF


54. A lattice model of nascent peptide folding. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 27:


333 – 342 (1996); Academic Periodical Abstracts of China 1,Add. Issue sep.1995, Q617. Lee WJ & Luo LF


55. Prediction of the tertiary structure of nonhomologous globular proteins. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 27:325 – 332 (1996); Academic Periodical Abstracts of China 1, Add. Issue sep.1995, Q51. . Lee WJ & Luo LF


56. Inhomogeneity analysis on DNA sequences. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 27:


729-731 (1996). Lee WJ & Luo LF


57. Periodicity of base correlation in nucleotide sequence. Physical Review E56: 848-851 (1997) Lee WJ & Luo LF


58. Preferential mode analysis of DNA sequence J. Theor. Biol. 188: 343-353 (1997)


Luo LF & Ji FM


59. The statistical correlation of nucleotides in DNA sequences. Progress in Physics 17:320-346 (1997) (in Chinese) Luo LF


60. Statistical characteristics and evolution of genetic language. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics and Biomathematics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp7-14. Luo LF


61. A theory of enhancing heterologous gene expression in E. coli and yeast through base replacement. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics and Biomathematics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp29-32.


Li CP, Li H & Luo LF


62. Finding global minimum by removal of minor minima: The smoothing integral transformation method for global optimization. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics and Biomathematics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997) pp113-119. Lee WJ & Luo LF


(Other papers in the Proceedings that have been rewritten and published elsewhere are not listed here)


63. Statistical correlation of nucleotides in a DNA sequence. Physical Review E 58:861-871 (1998) Luo LF, Lee WJ, Jia LJ, Ji FM, & Tsai L


64. The clustering of amino acid composition, the structural classes of proteins and their prediction. Acta Biophysica Sinica 14:729-736 (1998)(in Chinese) Li XQ & Luo LF


65. Sequence-dependent DNA local structure and DNA curvature. Acta Biophysica Sinica 15:439-444 (1999) (in Chinese) Tsai L & Luo LF


66.. Recognition and architecture of the framework structure of protein. Proteins 39:9-25(2000)


Luo LF & Li XQ


67. A hypercycle theory of proliferation of viruses and resistance to the viruses of transgenic plant. J. Theor. Biol. 204: 453-465 (2000). Ji FM & Luo LF


68. A statistical mechanical model for predicting B-DNA curvature and flexibility. J. Theor. Biol. 207: 177 (2000). Tsai L & Luo LF


69. A statistical-mechanical model of DNA flexibility. Acta Biophysica Sinica 16:595-601(2000)(in Chinese) Tsai L & Luo LF


70. Some universal properties of molecular evolution. Invited talk at Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics. (Wuhan, China, 1999). Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 31:41-46 (2000)


Luo LF


71. Adsorption kinetics in the solution of a thermal hysteresis protein. Chem. Phys. Lett. 320: 335-338 (2000) Li QZ & Luo LF


72. Dialogue on modern scientific tradition and paradigm. Physics Teaching 22: 2-4 (2000) (in Chinese) Luo LF

73. Evolutionary stability of the genetic code. Progress in Physics 21: 66-87 (2001) (in Chinese)


Luo LF


74. Reconstruction of evolutionary tree based on information about short-range correlation of nucleotides in gene sequence. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 32: 32-41 (2001).


Luo LF, Ji FM, Shieh LC& Lee HC


75. Coding rules for amino acids in the genetic code - The genetic code is a minimal code of mutational deterioration. Origins of Life 32: 23 (2002). Luo LF & Li XQ

76. Construction of genetic code from evolutionary stability. Biosystems 65:81 (2002)


Luo LF & Li XQ

77. Sequence-dependent flexibility in promoter sequences. J. Biomol. Struc. & Dynamics 20: 127 (2002) Tsai L, Luo LF


78. A chemical kinetic theory on muscle contraction and spontaneous oscillation. Chemical Phys Letters 363:471-478.(2002). Guo WS, Luo LF & Li QZ


79. The definition and recognition of protein structural class. Progr. in Biochem. and Biophys. 29:124-127 (2002) (in Chinese) Li XQ & Luo LF


80. The recognition of protein structural class. Progr. Biochem. Biophys. 29: 938-941 (2002) (in Chinese). Li XQ & Luo LF


81. Study on the model for regulation of the allosteric enzyme activity. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 20:1506-1513 (2002). Li QZ, Luo LF & Zhang LR.


82. Biochirality as an indicator of the origin of life – A piece of dark cloud in the blue sky of 21 century science. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 33: 527-531. (2002) Luo LF


83. Conserved words in 16S rRNA deduced from evolutionary tree reconstruction. Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Intramongolicae 33: 36-42 (2002) Luo LF & Jia MW


84. Search for evolution-related-oligonucleotides and conservative words in rRNA sequences. Proceedings of the IEEE computer society conference on bioinformatics (CSB’03) 468-469 (2003) Luo, Hsieh LC, Ji FM, Jia MW & Lee HC

85. Evidence for growth of microbial genomes by short segmental duplications. Proceedings of the IEEE computer society conference on bioinformatics (CSB’03) 474-475 (2003) Hsieh LC, Luo LF & Lee HC


86. Minimal model for genome evolution and growth. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90: 018101-4(2003)

Hsieh LC, Luo LF, Ji FM & Lee HC


87. Genomes are large systems with small system statistics. AAPPS Bulletin 13(2) :22-27 (2003)


Hsieh LC, Luo LF& Lee HC


88. A new model on the mechanochemical actin-activated myosin ATPase cycle. Progr. Biochem. Biophys. 30:216-220 (2003) (in Chinese). Guo WS & Luo LF


89. ORF organization and gene recognition in the yeast genome. Comp. Funct. Genome 4: 318-328 (2003) Luo LF, Li H & Zhang LR


90. Splice site prediction with quadratic discriminant analysis using diversity measure. Nucleic Acids Res. 31: 6214-6220 (2003). Zhang LR & Luo LF


91. The relation between translation speed and protein secondary structure. Acta Biochim. Biophys. 35: 193-196 (2003) (in Chinese) Li XQ, Luo LF & Liu CQ


92. The abnormal preference of synonymous codons for protein secondary structure. Chinese J of Mol Biol. & Biochem. 19(4): 441-444 (2003) Li XQ, Luo LF & Liu CQ


93. Recognition of splice sites in genes by use of diversity measure method. Progr. Biochem. Biophys. 31: 77-82 (2004) (in Chinese) Zhang LR & Luo LF


94. Prediction for Target Sites of Small Interfering RNA Duplexes in SARS Coronavirus. Genome Biology 2004,5:P6; online at Ji FM & Luo LF

95. Universal lengths in complete microbial genomes. Int. J Mod. Phys. B 18:2448-2454(2004)


Chen TY, Hsieh LC, Chang CH, Luo LF & Lee HC


96. Statistical correlation between protein secondary structure and messenger RNA stem-loop structure . Biopolymers 73: 16-26 (2004) Jia MW, Luo LF & Liu CQ


97. Protein structure preference, tRNA copy number and mRNA stem/loop content. Biopolymers 74: 432-447 (2004) Luo LF, Jia MW & Li XQ


98. The rise of bioinformatics and the rationalization of biology. Journal of Hefei University (Natural Science) 14:1-5 (2004) (in Chinese); Invited talk at the Young Scientist Forum, Scientist Association of China, Nov. 2003. Luo LF


99. Discussion on the universality of information content in DNA sequences. Journal of Hefei University (Natural Science) 15:1-6 (2005) (in Chinese) Luo LF


(A part of papers that have been summarized in monograph 6 and 7 are not listed here)





B. Monographs


1. Quantum Field Theory (Jiangsu Shanghai Science and Technology Publisher, 1990) (in Chinese)


2. Non-equilibrium Statistical Theory (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1990) (in Chinese)


3. A Physicist Looks at the Life (Hunan Education Publisher, 1994) (in Chinese)


4. Collected Works on Theoretical Biophysics (including 119 papers)


(Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997)

5. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics and Biomathematics (Inner Mongolia University Press, 1997)

6. Physical Aspects of Life Evolution. (Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Publisher, 2000) (in Chinese).


7. Theoretic-physical Approach to Molecular Biology. (Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Publisher, 2004)



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